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SPECIAL EVENT - 'Tour Down Under' - Thursday 18 January 2024

The TOUR DOWN UNDER Mens Stage 3 started this year on North East Road, Tea Tree Gully - within 100 metres of the Museum.
The Museum gardens were open prior to the 11:10 race start.
The Museum was decorated, including 16 bikes in many different themes - beach, florist shop, purple haze, autumn, etc.
Two extra large bikes were laid on the lawn and included in the helicopter views transmitted to the world!

We were joined by
• The Penny Farthing Cycle Club of SA
• SA Vintage Bicycles 1880-1980

The Museum provided several refreshments in Haines Memorial Park:
• Sweet Treats biscuit stall
• From our ice cream bike - cold drinks and zooper-dooper ice blocks
• From our watermelon bike, complete with watermelon helmet - slices of watermelon
We were joined by:
• SACWA Tea Tree Gully Branch
• Caking Mad

From 11:30 am - 1:30 pm the Museum buildings were open for the public to get a glimpse of local lifestyles of the 1850s to 1950s.

The Museum was awarded the daily, and then overall, 'Best Dressed Commercial or Community Property', which included a $1,000 prize.

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