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Lifestyle videos

View videos of volunteers demonstrating typical  lifestyles in Tea Tree Gully in the late 1800s.


Fred, the blacksmith, shows us how he fires the forge and makes a chain link, using traditional tools and methods in a replica of an 1854 blacksmith shop.

Click here to view video (approx 5 mins)

Daily chores

Glimpse life and conditions living in a slab hut as three children complete their homework and help their mother, Rebecca, with the daily chores.

Click here to view video (approx 4 mins)

Children's leisure

Take a look at a typical afternoon in a middle class family with some leisure activities for young Alana and her two brothers, and then it is off to bed.

Click here to view video (approx 4 mins)

Wash day

Watch Lottie, the laundry maid, as she shows how much work was involved in doing the family washing.

Click here to view video (approx 5 mins)