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HERITAGE ON SUNDAY - Let's Celebrate  - 21 April 2024

275 people joined us for a lovey fine day of celebrations – starting with 170 years for the Museum building itself, initially the Highercombe Hotel. The nearby Gully Public House and Garden is also 170.
The Garford fire engine, restored and owned by Graeme Drewett, was present for its centenary and was a favourite of the children.

Other anniversaries included: Bickford's (150), Cadbury (200), Penfolds (180), Royal Albert China (120), Charlesworth Nuts (90), Arnott’s Biscuits Family Assorted (100), Stobie Poles (100), Kellogg’s Corn Flakes (130), S Kidman & Co (125), Drakes Superrmarkets (50), Anchor Foods (170), Lucy Maud Montgomery (150 - ‘Anne of Green Gables’ author), ‘Dot and the Kangaroo’ (125), etc.

Free samples of Bickford’s special 150th flavours were available, along with our anniversary cake, cut by long term volunteers: Pat Grimley and Rodney Attwood.

The Adelaide Hills Motor Restorers and members of the Victoriana Society of SA also joined in the celebrations.

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